Website - images
“People often say 'A picture is worth a thousand words.'
Website Visitors easily identify with pictures. Below you will find important tips to optimize your pictures in order to improve their performance on your website as well as on the search engines.
Below you will find important tips to optimize your pictures in order to improve their performance on your website as well as on the search engines.
The appropriate picture is essential. It adds a different dimension and feel to your page or article and encourages visitors to convert. While the text itself is important, it is the image that sells the page. Make sure the picture is relevant to the content of the page or article.
Quality of image: It's very important the picture is clear and easy to see. This increases the chances of the visitor clicking on the image and having a positive experience.
Description: Just as keywords are important, the same also applies for pictures. This means that the file name of your image should include descriptive keywords that are relevant to what the picture is, as well as to the surrounding content. It is important to do this to help search engines identify the image and determine its relevance.
Alt-Text: The “Alt-Text” or “tags” as they are also called, are another way for search engines to recognize your picture and determine what it's about. A few words describing what the picture is about and should include keywords. It's important to keep the description relevant to the image as well as to the page content.
File Size: Optimize your picture so it doesn't slow the website download. This is very important for mobile websites and can be achieved by using free tools such as “Image Optimiser”. Make sure that the dimensions of your picture are of appropriate size.